Martial Arts

“School of the Soft Spirited Way” Integrated Martial System
This class teaches both traditional and modern aspects of karate and jujutsu.  As the kids learn the sport martial arts they will develop self-discipline, honor, respect, and much more!  The adult students will learn more of the self defense facets of martial arts.

Meet Sensei Smith171_smith

Sensei Ron Smith has always had a high interest in the martial arts.  He lives the “martial way” and realizes that he is who he is because of the arts.

In January of 1996, Smith  Sensei began his formal study with Sensei Shane Topp, who is the current head instructor of Eugue-Ryu Karate-Jutsu.  Eugue Ryu Karate-Jutsu is the system of Karate and Jujutsu founded by Kensenzu Yamaegue.  Smith Sensei takes every opportunity to train in other arts and learn from other instructors, all the while comparing them to Topp Sensei and the Eugue-Ryu system.

In 2002, Smith Sensei started teaching at the local YMCA in Bellefontaine, Ohio.  Over the next 4.5 years, Smith Sensei’s class continued to grow and in 2007 classes were relocated to their current location at an old church in Zanesfield, Ohio (also known as Pickerelltown).   In 2006, another class was added and is currently held at the Union County Family YMCA in Marysville, Ohio.

In the beginning, Smith Sensei taught Eugue-Ryu.  As Topp Sensei  transitioned from Eugue-Ryu to Jukido-Kai Sogo Budo (School of Integrated Martial Arts) so did Smith Sensei.  Eugue-Ryu will always be the core system that Jukido-Kai  and The Center For Traditional Martial Arts bases its curriculum around.


Smith Sensei holds the following ranks:

  • Yodan:  Eugue-Ryu Karatejutsu
  • Yodan:  Jukido-Kai Karatejutsu
Other Ranks include:
  • Nidan: American Jukido Ryu Jujutsu
  • Shodan:  American Jukido Ryu Karate
  • Shodan:  Jukido-Kai Iaido
  • Sankyu:  Jukido-Kai Aikido

Extra focus has been spent in the sword art as well as constantly refining edged weapons skill sets through continued study under Topp Sensei.  He has also been fortunate enough to train with one of the leading instructors of edged weapons in the United States, Michael Janich, founder of Martial Blade Concepts.

In 2004, Smith Sensei received the  award for Black Belt instructor of the year from the American Jukido-Ryu Martial Arts Union Hall of Fame.  Smith Sensei also appears in the 2007 Edition of the “Heritage Who’s Who” which recognizes successful businesses and business executives.

What Smith Sensei loves the most about teaching is the fact that through the martial arts, he has had the opportunity to help so many individuals of all ages learn how to protect themselves and avoid dangerous situations.  They are given the tools needed to help make the right decisions in life.

“Not everyone will become a great martial artist, but I strive to help them become great human beings”

COVID-19 Guidlines

Martial Arts Classes

Classes meet once a week for 4 weeks at the YMCA. 

2023 Session Schedule
2024 Session Schedule

Click here for 2023 Martial Arts Flyer and class schedule. 

Beginner Class Ages 5-9 yrs

Ages 5-9

Dates & Times: 
Wednesdays 5:30pm – 6:15pm
Price (YMCA Members):  $35
Price (Non Members): $55

Beginners ages 10+ can attend this class if they cannot attend the 6:30pm-7:30pm class. 


Beginner Class Ages 10+

Ages 10+

Dates & Times: 
Wednesdays 6:30pm-7:30pm
Price (YMCA Members):  $35
Price (Non Members): $55


Intermediate Class

Yellow Belt & Up

Dates & Times: 
Wednesdays 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Price (YMCA Members): $40

Price (Non Members): $60

Adult Class Ages 14 and up
Ages 14 and up
Dates & Times:
Wednesdays 6:30pm – 7:30pm
Price (YMCA Members): $40
Price (Non Members): $60

Jukido-Kai Sogo Budo

Click here for Jukido-Kai Sogo Budo Class Schedule

ymca martial arts

YMCA Sports Pledge

“Win or lose, I pledge before Everyone to play the game as well as I know how, to  obey all the rules, to be a good sport at all times, and to improve myself in Spirit, Mind, and  Body”

Center for Traditional Martial Arts

Learn more about the CFT here.



ymca event calendar


YMCA core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility are incorporated into daily programming.


Variety of age appropriate activities that promote opportunities for children to explore their environment safely and confidently.


Activities are led by assigned teachers, as well as, self directed by the child.  Creativity is encouraged to help promote individual growth.


Group and individual play. Kid Connect has activities that promote decision making skills, teach responsible behavior, and develop the child’s self confidence.